Unreal Engine Hack'n Slash Multiplayer Action-Adventure-Game
About the course: In this course you program “on the go”, which means that, unlike other courses, you learn various tips and tricks from the game developer. Here you will also see how game projects are really built and how they are debugged in order to reach the goal.
If you want to get a feel for real game development and understand the development processes, mindset and methods of debugging, then this is the right place for you.
With this course, it’s not enough just to copy what is done here! You will also learn the how and why, which is also much more important if you want to expand your knowledge of game development. We guarantee that you will learn something valuable about game development in this course.
So this course is not a classic “how to” and done tutorial, but a journey into real game development.
Thank you for your interest in my UnrealEngine course
“Multiplayer Action-Adventure Game”.
Here are some important notes before you take the plunge:
In this course, you’ll learn REAL game development. You’ll watch a game being developed from scratch in front of your eyes.
If you want to attend a course where the instructor copies and pastes his code, this is not the course for you. You will see how problems are reacted to, how they are fixed and how solutions are found – by far the most important skill in game development.
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Unreal Engine Kurs
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Yes, the Unreal Engine videos are pre-processed so you only get the high quality and edited version. This has the advantage that you can follow the video step by step to learn everything effortlessly.
- Create your first project
- Join the Discord as a community!
- Player camera and movement
- Animations with Blueprint and
- Blendspaces
- Interfaces explained simply
Attack and opponent AI basics
- Basic attack events and overrides
- Paladin primary attack animation assembly
- First interface function and creating the enemy class
- Paladin Attack Collision
- Dealing damage and sword sound effects
AI setup and damage to the worm opponents
- KI-Controller und Einstellung des Spielerziels
- Wurm-Animation Blueprint und Blendspace
- Spielerziel einstellen und auf den Spieler zudrehen
- KI-Angriffslogik und Bewegungen richtung Spieler-Charakter
- KI-Basisprojektil und Wurmspucke
- Projektile spawnen und treffen Spieler-Char
- Trefferpartikel spawnen, sobald das Geschoss etwas trifft
- Mehrfach-Angriffe und Spielerzielsteuerung
- Feindliche KI Lebenspunkte- und Tötungslogik
- Spieler-Char Tötungslogik
- Spieler wiederbeleben, wenn er noch HP-Leben hat
- Infos Zum nächsten Lehr-Abschnitt und zum Leveldesig
- AI controller and setting the player target
Blueprint and Blendspace worm animation
Set player target and turn towards the player
AI attack logic and movements towards the player character
AI base projectile and worm spit
Projectiles spawn and hit player character
Hit particles spawn as soon as the projectile hits something
Multiple attacks and player targeting
Enemy AI health and kill logic
Player-Char kill logic
Revive players if they still have HP left
About the next tutorial section and level design
Create the dungeon level
- Setting up the first level
- Copying level objects and adjusting the lighting
- Building the first corridor
- Building a bookshelf and adding details
- Editing and reimporting meshes in Blender
- Invisible collision walls and more dungeon building
- Further dungeon construction
- Different ways to group level actors
Player-Char UI elements
- Create player UI widget
- Update health on the player screen
- Private variables and mana cost function
Paladin skills
- Dash: Ability setup, animation, timeline and line tracking
- Dash: Deal damage to every enemy hit
- Block: Ability setup and animation
- Block: Deflect attacks from certain angles
- Block: Replace Multicast with Repnotify
- Shockwave: Ability setup and animation
- Shockwave: Stun the opponent and heal the paladin
- Shockwave: Stun effect (stops AI attacks)
- Paladin particle effects
Mage class and abilities
- Get assets and create class
- Set up primary attack
- Primary attack: Set up basic projectile
- Primary attack: Firebolt with AOE area damage
- Flame Breath: Structure and functionality
- Flame Breath: Mounting and damaging enemies
- Fire Tornado: Assembly and functionality
- Fire Tornado: Create tornadoes with damage over time
- Fire Shield: Ability setup and player damage logic
- Fire shield: Adaptation and AI target fixing
- Fire shield: Blocking melee attacks
Add more NPC enemies
- Medium and heavy worms
- Spiders: Initial setup and private variables
- Spiders: Melee attack setup and damage to player
- characters
- Spiders: Hit effects
- Spiders: NPS difficulty levels Medium and Hard
Potion to restore HP life points
- Set up potion blueprint
- Potion Widget UI
- Add potion to the player’s “inventory”
- Enemies drop potions on death
- Potion Alternatives
Main menu and character selection
- Create main menu level
- Create the main menu widget
- Animation of the main menu widget
- Set up first gamepad button
- Basic gamepad navigation
- Main menu gamepad FIX
- Set up the character selection screen
- Highlight character when moving it with the mouse
- Play animation and save selected player character
- Start selected player character in the first level
- Gamepad character selection
Coins and destructible objects
- Update PlayerController, add treasure updates and install Apex plugin
- Create destructible objects
- Create the base currency objects and coin objects
- Add the coin currency to the game logic
- Add the coin amount to the player UI
- Update destructible systems
Host and join multiplayer games via STEAM (Optional)
- Install advanced sessions and multiplayer menu widget
- Host menu and creating server sessions
- Join via IP address (optional, not mandatory)
- Server browser logic and connecting via STEAM multiplayer
- Select client character
Player skills level-up system and improvements
- Setting up interactive NPC classes and vendors
- Creating the widgets
- Set up the widget for the NPC health vendor
- Activate vendor button and update descriptions
- Upgrade health/mana when the button is clicked
- Continue health/mana upgrade
- Improve attack skills
- Improve defense skills
- Set up mage skills
Save system
- Saving values and improving respawning
- Saving skill levels
- Upgrading the UE game version
- Mage skill upgrades and bug fixing
- End…(todo Next update course continues)
Bonus material: Mini projects
Basics: Create a top-down shooter in Unreal Engine 5
How to create a 2D game in Unreal Engine 5
Join us for a limited time and secure a reserved spot in our online course with the Unreal Engine game engine today!
Learn step-by-step how to create a 3D top-down dungeon RPG for multiple players in the Unreal Engine with Steam support!
With the Unreal Engine you can easily develop 2D games as well as breathtaking 3D games.
I’ll show you how to do this in a crash course video in the bonus material after the course at the end!
The entire course is currently being revised and is designed to give you the best possible introduction to game development with Unreal Engine.
In the page elements you can already see a rough overview of the topics, have fun following along step by step.
Let’s see how many points we work through in time, the plan is to provide you with one hour of course material every day for you to follow!
A learning by doing process! Have fun with all the video material!
See you in the course! 🙂
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